Here at Andreotti Insurance, we help people in and around Oakdale, MN. find the best home insurance company. That’s doesn’t mean that we always suggest the same insurer to every client either. Our clients have a variety of coverage needs and budgets, so we strive to provide the best solution for each unique situation. As independent agents, we can shop between multiple companies. To understand why it’s so important to shop around for the best home insurance for you, learn a little more about how these policies work.
Home Insurance Basics
Insurers almost offer a basic home policy that’s tailored to suit the majority of homeowners. To provide this, the insurer will bundle in a few different kinds of protection. Generally, this basic policy will include the kinds of coverage that mortgage companies require, plus some extras.
You may see these various types of coverage referred to by letter names, such as Coverage A and Coverage B. This is a brief overview of the kinds of protection you might find included in a typical home policy:
- Coverage A will protect the main structure of the home, and Coverage B will focus upon such other structures as sheds or detached garages.
- Coverage C protects personal property inside the buildings.
- If included, Coverage D provides living expenses in case the owners need to leave because of a covered loss.
- Coverage E offers liability insurance, and Coverage F provides additional medical payments in case of a liability claim.
What Does Basic Home Insurance Leave Out?
A basic home policy provides many homeowners with a good place to start. On the other hand, the contract terms may exclude protection from certain hazards or limit the maximum amount paid for some kinds of property.
For example, consider personal property insurance:
- Most insurers limit the amount of personal property they will cover in a base policy for some personal property items. It’s common to find a limit of only $500 for jewelry, but one engagement ring could easily exceed this value.
- Also, basic policies may only cover property at its actual value, but unless you want to replace your electronics at a thrift shop, you should consider upgrading your coverage to replacement value.
- In addition, standard policies usually provide coverage for personal property as some percentage of the total insured value of the home. Some people may own a home with a modest value but keep a lot of expensive heirlooms or equipment inside.
- Running home businesses has grown increasingly popular. Standard home policies probably won’t offer the kind of coverage that business owners require. Even if they don’t specifically exclude business use, they may leave essential protection out or have low limits.
How to Find the Best Home Insurance
At Andreotti Insurance, we specialize in homeowners insurance for people who live in Oakdale, MN., and nearby communities. We know that the family home is one of the most valuable assets that most of our clients own. To find the right sort of coverage at the right price, contact us today. You’re also welcome to request free quotes online.